Reasons Why Just Dieting Won’t Work for the Majority

4 min readFeb 19, 2023


It’s two months into 2023 and you’ve still got the pudge from 2022’s Thanksgiving dinner. So much for eating quinoa, bland chicken breast, and peeing every five minutes from water consumption.

You’re tracking everything you’re eating, forcing yourself to walk your dog every evening, and yet, the results aren’t happening.

Let’s slow it down a bit, here. Sure, on the surface, it looks like you’re making sincere efforts to change your habits and watch what you’re eating.

The million-dollar question is: Have you made the shift mentally?

And I’m not talking about telling yourself that you HAVE to restrict certain foods, be more active, and post on social media to hold yourself accountable.

I’m referring to coming to peace with yourself, realizing that not only does your body need proper nutrition, but so does your mind. If you’re not in the right state of mind, all of your limitations and lifestyle changes won’t make a difference.

How many times have you gone through this “New Year, New Me” merry-go-round? Far too many. I get it. I’ve been there, done that, and I’ve finally cracked the code. And I want to share that with you to help you succeed.

Life is already throwing obstacles and challenges our way on a daily basis. We’re constantly in a panic state of “what crazy shit is going to happen next?” But here are a few helpful tips for getting yourself realigned and once you center yourself, these obstacles won’t seem overwhelming.

  1. Practice mindfulness. Wake up and find one thing to be grateful for. It could be something as simple as waking up or being grateful that you’ve got dinner ideas planned out without stressing over them.
  2. Meditate. This is such an underrated practice and we’re in 2023, people! Take 10 minutes out of your day and follow a guided meditation on YouTube or simply close your eyes, clear your mind, and manifest the positivity within yourself. It is incredible to see how different and amazing you feel after meditating.
  3. Put yourself first. Oh, this comment triggers some people, especially moms. “How am I to put myself first when I’ve got a family who needs me? It’s outrageous and impossible!” It’s definitely not impossible nor outrageous and I’ll tell you why. If you are not completely grounded, in the proper state of mind, then how are you capable of taking care of others? Begin practicing this by giving yourself grace. It’s okay if the house isn’t picked up. It’s okay if you don’t want to attend a function at your in-laws. Learn to be okay to say “no” and not feel guilty. This however, will take time.
  4. Tell yourself one nice thing. It’s not vanity. It’s self-love and self-care. It can be as simple as, “I like the way my hair is today” or “My humor makes people laugh and it makes me happy.” Something as easy as this on a daily basis builds a solid foundation for better self-esteem.
  5. Forgive yourself. This one is a tough nut to crack. We are our own worst critics. Many of us take it to the next level of self-expectations and sometimes it’s incredibly hard to constantly achieve those standards. So, you ate a second slice of pizza? Oh, well. Life goes on. Forgive yourself and make healthier choices with the next meal. One thing I’ve learned to do well nowadays is not feeling guilty for something I’m about to eat. If I really want that piece of cake, I mentally prepare myself for it and before that cake even touches my lips, I remind myself that I will not feel guilty for eating it. If there’s a slight hesitation, I won’t eat it.

Thousands of people search Google daily for ways to lose weight. Many people expect quick results by taking weight loss pills, supplements, and drinks that they’ve seen on TikTok, but at the end of the day, that’s not how it works.

You can spend thousands of dollars on bariatric surgery and have 80% of your stomach removed, and intestines bypassed, and you still won’t be successful if you don’t fix what’s between your ears. It’s a mental game. Habits, emotions, and triggers all play a role in how we handle food.

Self-sabotage is a real thing. I remember losing ten pounds and I felt great, but then my brain told me “It’s water weight. You’ll gain it back in no time. Look, you’re still fat. No one will notice.” So what did I do? I gave into the negativity that *I* narrated and gained back 15 lbs.

CRAZY, right?

What you manifest internally will eventually radiate externally. What you eat behind closed doors, you will wear in public.

Find and connect with a supportive community or an accountability buddy. Start your own health and wellness social media account if it helps keep you accountable. Recognize the toxic people in your life (ie. tempting you with food while knowing you’re trying to make better choices, telling you to give up on believing in yourself, and spreading negativity).

We live in a wonderful era where there’s a support group for every topic. There are plenty of people just like you and me. Real people with real problems looking for solutions.

Do it the right way. Your mental health is of the utmost importance if you want to be successful and remain successful.




Written by Barbie

No BS writer of food, travel, leadership, cultivating positivity, and mental health.

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