No matter what industry you work in, danger lurks and lunges at you when you least expect it.
Too much, too soon? Too morbidly dark?
Yeah, well…it’s the truth.
So, what’s the best method to overcome the “oh shit” moments that leave you unprepared, scared, and feeling helpless?
Equip yourself with the critical knowledge of knowing how to react in times of adversity. It doesn’t matter how old you are or whether you’re in a public or private space. Danger is everywhere.
Are you a corporate employee who just wants a safe and enjoyable place to work, but you can’t because your coworker or boss is a total pervert? Small advances, winks, and unwelcome gestures are all considered sexual harassment.
Too afraid of losing your job to say anything to Human Resources about it?
Are you a nurse or a medical employee and you’re struggling with patients who berate you on a frequent basis and you’re on the brink of a total mental breakdown? Let’s be real, here…you’re in a profession where you see more shit than most of us will ever see. And that sort of trauma stays with you.
I get it. Life is challenging, but it builds our character once we learn how to handle the situations handed to us. Do you wish you had a self-care survival guide to help you navigate through these issues? Good news for you — there is such a thing!
Moving on to my new point. Ok, so now what? What, who, where, and HOW?
First, you’ve got to learn these important life skills from someone who’s experienced, has been through some serious shit, and knows how to properly train you.
Chris Marciano is a retired Sargeant with the Watertown police department in Connecticut. After serving 25 years on the force, Chris has seen some dark things. Things most people would go their entire lives never (thankfully) experiencing.
After all of that, Chris’s mission is to live out his retirement by helping others overcome trauma by being a beacon of light for others who need help and seek guidance.
According to Mr. Marciano himself, he gracefully stated, “In a world so difficult, a world of such deception and struggle, I want to be the beacon that people can feel safe with. From honesty, passion, and commitment, I will be a resource to make the world a safer place, one person at a time.”
Chris Marciano, CEO/Founder, Prepare To Act
For me, I’m sold. Why? Because he wrote with his heart. There’s compassion behind his words. There’s a sincere desire to help people like you and me. And speaking for myself, I am not easily sold. Trust is a huge factor for me and I can smell a salesman a mile away.
But when I stumbled upon Chris’s Prepare to Act company and read about everything he’s got to offer, his mission, hard work, dedication, and kindness, I knew I would want someone like him to help guide me through difficult situations.
We’re all strong, no matter how little certain situations or people may make us feel. There’s a fire within all of us, already ignited. All you need is a little confidence that’ll turn into the courage you deserve to stand up for yourself. Let Chris and his team at Prepare to Act help you along the way with their expertise and guidance.
Don’t take my word for it. Be the Sherlock Holmes we all think we are and investigate this. Chris at Prepare to Act is legit and genuine, and he’s ready to help you.