2023 New Year’s Resolutions Are In and They’re Actually Achievable
So…how many of 2022’s resolutions did you accomplish? Did you keep your gym membership and go after February? Did you travel more than to and from your 9–5 office? Did you actually LIVE? I know; me either.
Humans tend to desire ALL the things we think will make us happier. Make loads of money, have a rockin’ body, travel to dream destinations, have lots of social media followers (for some of us, not all), and so forth. The majority of society is either trendsetters or trend followers. Our definition of happiness varies for each individual, but our overall goal is the same. We all strive to enjoy our lives.
The problem is that resolutions should be set in bite-sized achievable chunks. Using the small victory method will help keep us consistent, motivated, and feeling rewarded each time we accomplish a goal.
Here’s my list and feel free to adapt it to yours!
- Say an affirmation every morning to start off the day. This can be as easy as “I am grateful to see another day” or “I have everything I need to make this a great day.”
- Be kind to myself and others. I have always had a bad habit of criticizing myself for every little thing I do. Nothing was ever quite enough or lived up to my own expectations. I was really hard on myself. I don’t have a problem being kind to others, but I would like to extend more kindness to complete strangers.
- Exercise to feel good, not to look good. This one is a total mindset changer for me. First of all, I am not nearly as active as I should be. Secondly, whenever I do partake in physical activity, I find myself expecting to look better because that’s how I calculated my self-worth. Tsk, tsk. Not anymore.
- Give someone a compliment every day. This goes a long way for many people. One random compliment could help make their day better. I’ve had this happen to me and I’d like to pay it forward.
- Live with less to have more. As I’ve gotten older and hopefully wiser, the greatest joys in life are around me every single day and they didn’t come from a luxury brand name store. They’re messy, moody, funny, loving, and chaotically wonderful. My husband and children are my every day “why” in everything I do. So, I want to procure a happy household no matter the size of our home.
- Pray more. This past year, I have to admit that I haven’t prayed as much as I used to. Without faith and prayer, I have caught myself getting lost spiritually. The adversary strikes when faith is low and I refuse to let that happen!
- Gain financial freedom. With financial freedom, comes the ability to do other things such as having more flexibility throughout my day without being bogged down at an office.
I am ready for new adventures!
So go forth, my friends, and let’s do more living in 2023. Appreciate the small things in life because they make the biggest impact.