Do Your Mistakes Define You?Let’s face it…we’ve all made poor life decisions that we have whole-heartedly regretted. The “what should’ve happened,” “could’ve…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
What to Do When Others Don’t Believe in You…It’s March 1st. As I am sitting here typing this, I came to a realization that within the last decade, I’d cared too much about what others…Mar 1, 2023Mar 1, 2023
Quality Foods Grown by Portland’s Community MarketsMajestic coastlines, luscious greenery, beautiful mountains, and friendly people are a few things Oregon’s known for. However, thanks to…Feb 22, 2023Feb 22, 2023
Reasons Why Just Dieting Won’t Work for the MajorityIt’s two months into 2023 and you’ve still got the pudge from 2022’s Thanksgiving dinner. So much for eating quinoa, bland chicken breast…Feb 19, 2023Feb 19, 2023
Soak Up in Style in Portland, ORIs stress taking over your life and it’s time to unplug for the weekend? If so, I’ve got solutions for you! For those seeking a relaxing…Feb 19, 2023Feb 19, 2023
“Leaders Navigating the Labyrinth of Limits”It’s the new quarter, you’ve scheduled candidates to for interviews next week, (the hiring process is such a bitch), and it’s budget…Feb 16, 20232Feb 16, 20232
Do Acupuncture Needles Really Have Healing Powers?You’ve got the “New Year, New Me” mentality and are determined to achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself. What you’ve realized with…Feb 11, 20231Feb 11, 20231
How to Juggle Multiple Relationships and Make it WorkIt’s 9 PM, the kitchen’s clean, the kids are in their rooms, and you’re in bed scrolling through Facebook, catching up on the daily’s…Feb 6, 20234Feb 6, 20234
Body Dysmorphia and Why It’s an Inner-Self BattleAh, the mirror. Is it our friend or foe?Jan 23, 20232Jan 23, 20232